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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"The Planets" (5,4,3,2,1)

-She got interested on the solar system when she was 3 years old
-In every planets the gravity pole is different
-Different planets have different numbers of day in a year
-The number of the planets are old, unlike any major think
-they couldn't decide if Pluto was a planet or a star

-Why is the number of the planets 9?
-what was so fascinating about the planets that made her into it?
-Why do different planets have different number of moons?
-why do some people consider Pluto not a planet?

aberrations-A deviation from the proper or expected course
purportedly-reputed or claimed
simultaneously-existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent:

Literary terms:
-she is basically just tell u how she start to learn about the planets and gave basic information bout planets like gravity and number of days

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